Assessment Tools for
Conflict and Change

All co-developed by
Dr. Ralph H. Kilmann


Kilmann Diagnostics is the exclusive provider of online training and certification for interpreting the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI). Along with co-developing the TKI assessment, Dr. Kilmann has also authored eight additional self-report assessment tools that highlight the underlying dynamics of transformation: Personality Styles, Culture-Gaps, Time-Gaps, Team-Gaps, Organizational Beliefs, Organizational Influence, Organizational Courage, and Organizational Conflict. All these assessment tools are discussed throughout our integrated series of online courses, since these assessments enable participants to become much more aware of the key role they play in achieving organizational success and personal meaning.

Assessing Conflict-Handling Behavior

Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI)

One TKI Assessment
Per Person

The TKI allows you to discover whether you might be overusing or underusing one or more of five conflict-handling modes (collaborating, competing, compromising, accommodating, and avoiding), so you can improve how you manage conflict in the future.

Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (2)

Two TKI Assessments
Per Person

By taking one TKI specifically for INSIDE your group and another TKI for OUTSIDE your group, you’ll discover how your leader, the culture, and the reward system might be having undue influence on how conflict is being managed in your group or team.

Icon TKI Team Report

The TKI Team Report for
All Kinds of Groups

After completing the TKI assessment, every team member will receive a personalized report that uncovers the particular OBSTACLES to effective conflict management along with several recommended REMEDIES for improving their team’s performance and member satisfaction.

The Kilmann Organizational Conflict Instrument (KOCI)

Kilmann Organizational
Conflict Instrument

The KOCI reveals how often you are being negatively affected by the various systems conflicts in your organization (e.g., culture, strategy-structure, and rewards) and which conflict modes you tend to use too much or too little for resolving those systems conflicts.

Assessing Personality and Culture

Personality L

Personality Style

This instrument assesses a person’s preferences for collecting information and making decisions, as based on the personality dimensions that were originally developed by C. G. Jung: ST, NT, SF, and NF types or styles for
approaching problems and conflicts.

Culture-Gap Survey


This assessment allows you to discover the differences between actual and desired cultural norms in four areas: task support, task innovation, social relationships, and personal freedom. Once identified, a group can take steps to close these culture-gaps.

Assessing Time-Gaps and Team-Gaps

Time-Gap L


This survey pinpoints five key areas in your work life in which you might not be making the best use of your time. The results then suggest how you can reallocate the time your spend on tasks and activities in order to achieve your group or organization’s goals.

Team-Gap L


This survey looks at the differences between actual and desired behavior in four key areas: cultural norms, people management, problem management, and time management. If any of these four team-gaps are significant, members can then close these gaps.

Assessment Tools for
Beliefs, Courage, and Influence

Belief Survey L

Belief Survey

This survey assesses if you believe that your performance is largely determined by outside forces (such as your boss or coworkers) or by inside forces (your own decisions and actions). The results lead to new beliefs that encourage greater personal empowerment.

Organizational Courage Assessment

Organizational Courage Assessment

This assessment relies on two dimensions (observing acts of courage and fearing acts of courage) to define four organizations. Steps can then be taken to transform a fearful or bureaucratic organization into a more courageous or quantum organization.

Influence L

Organizational Influence Survey

This survey assesses whether you have the right balance of influence over the key aspects of your job that determine your performance and satisfaction. If you have too little (or too much) influence, steps can then be taken to create the right balance.

Not sure which assessment tool is right for you?

Select the most useful assessment tools
according to your primary or preferred OCCUPATIONAL IDENTITY:

Trainers and Facilitators - button
Independent consultants - button
Human resources and learning executives - button
Leaders for process improvement - button
Change agents for holistic improvement - button
Executive and business coaches - button
Mediators and Ombudspersons - button
Therapists for couples and families - button
Professors and students - button
Peacebuilding practitioners - button
Kilmann Diagnostics Benefit 1

LEARN DIRECTLY FROM THE CO-CREATOR OF THE RENOWNED TKI ASSESSMENT TOOL: Dr. Ralph Kilmann is the co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI), which is the world's leading assessment of conflict-handling behavior. To date, more than 8,000,000 copies of the TKI have been sold. Dr. Kilmann has been using the TKI since the time it was conceived in the early 1970s, while he was still completing his Ph.D. degree in the behavioral sciences at UCLA. All of our three online courses on conflict management, therefore, enable you to learn—directly from the author himself—how to use the TKI assessment for dramatically improving how individuals, groups, and organizations manage their conflicts.

Kilmann Diagnostics Benefit 2

LEARN DIRECTLY FROM THE CO-CREATOR OF SCORES OF BOOKS, ARTICLES, AND ASSESSMENT TOOLS: Dr. Kilmann has also authored more than 20 books, 100 articles, and 10 assessment tools for change management. This extensive knowledge—which was developed during his 30 years of research, teaching, and consulting as a chaired professor at the University of Pittsburgh—is utilized throughout our online courses. To ensure that all his knowledge would be perfectly translated into our series of courses on conflict, change, consciousness, and transformation, Dr. Kilmann personally created all the slide presentations and course materials—which was made possible by his undergraduate major in graphic arts at Carnegie Mellon University.

Kilmann Diagnostics Benefit 3

EXPERIENCE A CLOSE-UP VIDEO PRESENTATION ACCOMPANIED BY A CRYSTAL-CLEAR AUDIO RECORDING: On the video of each presentation slide, you’ll see Dr. Kilmann’s very visible pointer gracefully moving from one bulleted item to the next (or from one section of a diagram to another), perfectly in sync with his studio-recorded verbal presentation. As a result, you’ll have a front-row seat for every video presentation, along with a crystal-clear recording for the audio, in every one of our online courses. If you have a high-resolution computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, you’ll see every pixel and hear every word during each video presentation.

Media Player for BASIC Training in Conflict Management
Kilmann Diagnostics Benefit 4

ENJOY WATCHING OUR COURSES, TAKING OUR ASSESSMENTS, AND READING OUR BOOKS ON OUR ADVANCED E-LEARNING PLATFORM: Since all our courses are recorded and then streamed on the very best e-learning platform available, you can fully enjoy Dr. Kilmann’s unique onscreen presentations on your laptop computer or mobile device—anywhere, anytime, and at your own pace. You can also take the TKI and several other assessment tools on such a high-end, online venue. Lastly, our course manuals and most of our workbooks, audiobooks, and presentation slides are available in a pdf format for your online learning convenience.

Media Player for the Culture Management Course