1. Kilmann, R. H. Creating a Quantum Organization: The Whys & Hows of Implementing Eight Tracks for Long-Term Success (Newport Coast CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2021), Chapter 11: “Expanding Consciousness in Organizations — Resolving Your Four INNER Conflicts.”
2. Kilmann, R. H. The Courageous Mosaic: Awakening Society, Systems, and Souls (Newport Coast, CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2013)
3. Kilmann, R. H. “Resolving the Four Inner Conflicts.” Blog Series for Kilmann Diagnostics (June 2015).
4. Kilmann, R. H. “Managing Ego Energy for Personal and Organizational Success.” Adapted from R. H. Kilmann and Associates, Managing Ego Energy: The Transformation of Personal Meaning into Organizational Success (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1994).
5. Epstein, D. M., and Kilmann, R. H. “A Conversation on Expanding Consciousness and The Courageous Mosaic.” Audio Recording, Wise World Seminars and Kilmann Diagnostics (May 2015).
6. Kilmann, R. H., and Volckmann, R. “Ralph Kilmann and The Courageous Mosaic: An Interview with Russ Volckmann.” Integral Leadership Review (April 2014).
7. Kilmann, R. H. “The Great Resignation & the Future of Work.” Interview with Karen Mangia, Authority Magazine (December 22, 2021).
8. Kilmann, R. H. “Resolving These Four Inner Conflicts Can Help You Move Forward.” Interview with Stephanie Vozza, Fast Company (January 15, 2022).
9. Kilmann, R. H. ”Creating a Quantum Organization: Expanding Consciousness in the Workplace.” Podcast with Vered Kogan, The Mindset Game (July 22, 2022).
10. Kilmann, R. H. “Civil Wars and International Wars: Facing—and Resolving—Our Most Devastating Conflicts.” (Newport Coast, CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2023).
1. Kilmann, R. H. Creating a Quantum Organization: The Whys & Hows of Implementing Eight Tracks for Long-Term Success (Newport Coast CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2021), Chapter 4: “Quantum Transformation for Organizations — Implementing Eight Tracks for Long-Term Success.”
2. Kilmann, R. H. “A Holistic Program and Critical Success Factors of Corporate Transformation.” European Management Journal, Vol, 13. No. 2 (1995), 175–186.
3. Kilmann, R. H. “Leadership and the Quantum Organization.” Integral Leadership Review, Vol. 1 (2007), 32–43.
4. Kilmann, R. H., Benecki, T. J., and Shkop, Y. M. “Integrating the Benefits of Different Efforts at Management Consulting: The Case of Human Resources, Organization Development, and Organization Design.” In G. J. Gore and R. G. Wright, Eds., The Academic/Consultant Connection (Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 1979), pages 216–226.
5. Covin, T. J., and Kilmann, R. H. “Critical Issues in Large-Scale Change.” Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 1, No. 2 (1988), 59-72.
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7. Kilmann, R. H. Workbook for Implementing the Tracks: Volumes I, II, and III (Newport Coast, CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2011).
8. Kilmann, R. H. Logistics Manual for Implementing the Tracks: Planning and Organizing Workshop Sessions (Newport Coast, CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2011).
9. Kilmann R. H. “A Completely Integrated Program for Creating and Maintaining Organizational Success.” Organizational Dynamics (Summer 1989), 4-19.
10. Kilmann, R. H., O’Hara, L. A., and Strauss, J. P. “Developing and Validating a Quantitative Measure of Organizational Courage.” Journal of Business and Psychology, Vol. 25, No. 1 (2010), 15–23.
11. Kilmann, R. H. “Civil Wars and International Wars: Facing—and Resolving—Our Most Devastating Conflicts.” (Newport Coast, CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2023).
12. Kilmann, R. H. “Creating a Quantum Organization.” Podcast with Marc Lainhart, Inspired Living Radio (January 10, 2024).
1. Kilmann, R. H. Creating a Quantum Organization: The Whys & Hows of Implementing Eight Tracks for Long-Term Success (Newport Coast CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2021), Chapter 2: “Basic, Group, and Advanced Training in Conflict Management — Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI).”
3. Kilmann, R. H. “Celebrating 40 Years with the TKI Assessment: A Summary of My Favorite Insights.” CPP Author Insights (April 2011).
4. Kilmann, R. H. “A Brief History of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI).” Kilmann Diagnostics Website (2009 – present).
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6. CPP, Inc. The TKI Tool: More Than Conflict Management (Mountain View, CA: CPP, Inc., 2015).
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8. Kilmann, R. H. “Using the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument,” Kilmann Diagnostics Website, 2009.
9. Kilmann, R. H., and Thomas, K. W. “Developing a Forced-Choice Measure of Conflict-Handling Behavior: The MODE Instrument.” Educational and Psychological Measurement, Vol. 37, No. 2 (1977), 309-325.
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11. Thomas, K. W., and Kilmann, R. H. “Comparison of Four Instruments Measuring Conflict Behavior,” Psychological Reports, Vol. 42, No. 3 (1978), 1139-1145.
12. Kilmann, R. H., and Thomas, K. W. “Four Perspectives on Conflict Management: An Attributional Framework for Organizing Descriptive and Normative Theory.” Academy of Management Review, Vol. 3, No. 1 (1978), 59–68.
13. Schaubhut, N. A. Technical Brief for the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument: Description of the Updated Normative Sample and Implications for Use (Mountain View, CA: CPP, Inc., 2007).
14. Herk, N. A., Thompson, R.C., Thomas, K. W., and Kilmann, R. H. International Technical Brief for the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (Mountain View, CA: CPP, Inc., 2011).
15. Weber, A. J., Johnson, C. A., and Thompson, R. C. Technical Brief for the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument: JAPANESE (Mountain View, CA: CPP, Inc., 2013).
17. Wade, R. “Call Centers Can Increase Customer Satisfaction Through Effective Conflict Management.” Mountain View, CA: CPP (2008).
18. Thomas, K. W. Making Conflict Management a Strategic Advantage (Mountain View, CA: CPP, 2008).
19. CPP, Inc. Global Human Capital Report: Workplace Conflict and How Businesses Can Harness It to Thrive (Mountain View, CA: CPP, 2008).
20. The Myers-Briggs Company. Conflict Styles, Gender and Leadership (Sunnyvale, CA: The Myers-Briggs Company, 2020).
21. Kilmann, R. H. “Celebrating the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) and Systemwide Conflict Management.” Kilmann Diagnostics Website (2014).
22. Kilmann, R. H. “How to Stop Avoiding and Start Resolving Conflict.” Podcast with Pete Mockaitis, How to Be Awesome at Your Job (March 24, 2022).
23. Kilmann, R. H. “Presenting the New TKI Team Report: Identifying Challenges and Remedies for Resolving Your Team Conflicts.” Kilmann Diagnostics Website (2022).
24. Kilmann, R. H., Thomas, G. F., and Thomas, K. W. Facilitator’s Guide for the TKI Team Report (Sunnyvale, CA: The Myers-Briggs Company, 2022).
25. The Myers-Briggs Company. Conflict at Work (Sunnyvale, CA: The Myers-Briggs Company, 2022).
26. Kilmann, R. H. “Ask An Expert: Ralph Kilmann on Mastering the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI).” Podcast with Andrew Beveridge (Victoria, Australia: Leadership Today, July 2023).
27. Kilmann, R. H. “Unlocking the Power of Collaboration: Financial Freedom and Bottom Line Growth.” Podcast with Josh Patrick (South Burlington, VT: The Sustainable Business, August 2023).
28. Kilmann, R. H. “What Is Your Conflict Management Style?” Podcast with Randi Fine, A Fine Time for Healing (September 5, 2023).
29. Kilmann, R. H. “How to Successfully Navigate Conflict Management.” Podcast with Patricia Raskin, Voice America (September 18, 2023).
30. Kilmann, R. H. “Mastering the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, ‘TKI” with Dr. Ralph Kilmann.” Podcast with Marc Lainhart, Inspired Living Radio (September 27, 2023).
31. Kilmann, R. H. “16 Tips for Using the TKI® Tool for Developing People and Facilitating Conflict Management.” (Sunnyvale, CA: The Myers-Briggs Company, 2023).
32. Kilmann, R. H. “Celebrating the 50th Anniversary Year of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI).” Webinar (Newport Coast, CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, January 2024).
33. Kilmann, R. H. “Proven Strategies to Resolve Conflict in the Workplace with Ralph Kilmann.” Podcast with Karin Hurt and David Dye, Let’s Grow Leaders (January 2024).
34. Thomas, K. W., Kilmann, R. H., and Thomas, G. F. “Ask an Expert: TKI Authors Answer Your Toughest Conflict Questions.” Webinar for The Myers-Briggs Company (Sunnyvale, CA, February 2024).
35. Kilmann, R. H., “The Art of Conflict Management with Dr. Ralph Kilmann.” Podcast with Mary Belden-McGrath, DrivenLeadership (November 2024).
1. Kilmann, R. H. Creating a Quantum Organization: The Whys & Hows of Implementing Eight Tracks for Long-Term Success (Newport Coast CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2021), Chapter 6: “Critical Thinking Skills for Organizations — The Skills Track.”
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3. Kilmann, R. H., and Thomas, K. W. “Interpersonal Conflict-Handling Behavior as Reflections of Jungian Personality Dimensions.” Psychological Reports, Vol. 37, No. 3 (1975), 971-980.
4. Kilmann, R. H., and Mitroff, I. I. “Qualitative versus Quantitative Analysis for Management Science: Different Forms for Different Psychological Types.” Interfaces, Vol. 6, No. 2 (1976), 17-27.
5. Kilmann, R. H. “My Forty Years with the MBTI and TKI Assessments.” Kilmann Diagnostics Website (2009).
1. Kilmann, R. H. Creating a Quantum Organization: The Whys & Hows of Implementing Eight Tracks for Long-Term Success (Newport Coast CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2021), Chapter 3: “Diagnosing Systems Conflicts — Kilmann Organizational Conflict Instrument (KOCI).”
2. Kilmann, R. H. “The Evolution and Purpose of the Kilmann Organizational Conflict Instrument (KOCI).” Kilmann Diagnostics Website (2020).
3. Kilmann, R. H. “A Holistic Program and Critical Success Factors of Corporate Transformation.” European Management Journal, Vol, 13. No. 2 (1995), 175–186.
1. Kilmann, R. H. Creating a Quantum Organization: The Whys & Hows of Implementing Eight Tracks for Long-Term Success (Newport Coast CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2021), Chapter 6: “Critical Thinking Skills for Organizations — The Skills Track.”
2. Mitroff, I. I., and Kilmann, R. H. “Stories Managers Tell: A New Tool for Organizational Problem Solving.” Management Review, Vol. 64, No. 7 (1975), 18-28.
3. Kilmann, R. H., and Mitroff, I. I. “Problem Defining and the Consulting/Intervention Process.” California Management Review, Vol. 21, No. 3 (1979), 26–33.
4. Kilmann, R. H. “Problem Management: A Behavioral Science Approach.” In G. Zaltman. Ed., Management Principles for Nonprofit Agencies and Organizations (New York: American Management Association, 1979), 213-255.
5. Kilmann, R. H., Mitroff, I. I., and Lyles, M. A. “Designing an Effective Problem Solving Organization with the MAPS Design Technology.” Journal of Management, Vol. 2, No. 2 (1976), 1-10.
6. Kilmann, R. H. “Designing Collateral Organizations.” Human Systems Management, Vol. 3, No. 2 (1982), 66-76.
1. Kilmann, R. H. Creating a Quantum Organization: The Whys & Hows of Implementing Eight Tracks for Long-Term Success (Newport Coast CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2021), Chapter 5: “Culture Management for Organizations — The Culture Track.”
2. Kilmann, R. H. “Corporate Culture: Managing the Intangible Style of Corporate Life May Be the Key to Avoiding Stagnation.” Psychology Today, Vol. 19, No. 4 (April 1985), 62-68.
3. Kilmann, R. H. “Diagnosing an Organization’s Culture for Dysfunctional Behavioral Norms.” Adapted from R. H. Kilmann, Quantum Organizations: A New Paradigm for Achieving Organizational Success and Personal Meaning (Newport Coast, CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2011), 97–107.
4. Kilmann, R. H., Saxton, M. J., and Serpa, R. “Issues in Understanding and Changing Culture.” California Management Review, Vol. 28, No. 2 (1986), 87-94.
5. Kilmann, R. H. “Creating and Maintaining a Supportive Company Culture.” Interview with Larry Yatch, ValiantCEO (November 4, 2021).
6. Kilmann, R. H. “Overcoming Tribal Consciousness: Why People Seek Comfort from Others of the “Same Kind” Whenever They Experience Fear, Threat, and Uncertainty.” (Newport Coast, CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2023).
1. Kilmann, R. H. Creating a Quantum Organization: The Whys & Hows of Implementing Eight Tracks for Long-Term Success (Newport Coast CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2021), Chapter 6: “Critical Thinking Skills for Organizations — The Skills Track.”
2. Kilmann, R. H. “Assumptional Analysis: The Essence of Quantum Thinking.” Adapted from R. H. Kilmann, Quantum Organizations: A New Paradigm for Achieving Organizational Success and Personal Meaning (Newport Coast, CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2011), 121–135.
3. Kilmann, R. H. “A Dialectical Approach to Formulating and Testing Social Science Theories: Assumptional Analysis.” Human Relations, Vol. 36, No. 1 (1983), 1–22.
1. Kilmann, R. H. Creating a Quantum Organization: The Whys & Hows of Implementing Eight Tracks for Long-Term Success (Newport Coast CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2021), Chapter 7: “Team Management Skills Training — The Team Track.”
2. Kilmann, R. H. The Process Observer Form: Applying the Ten Key Principles of Group Process (Newport Coast, CA: Organizational Design Consultants, 1995).
3. Kilmann, R. H. “Managing Troublemakers.” Training and Development Journal, Vol. 39, No. 5 (1985), 102-107.
4. Kilmann, R. H. “Overcoming the Three-Day Washout Effect.” Training (June 20, 2022).
1. Kilmann, R. H. Creating a Quantum Organization: The Whys & Hows of Implementing Eight Tracks for Long-Term Success (Newport Coast CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2021), Chapter 8: “Aligning Strategy-Structure Throughout an Organization — The Strategy-Structure Track.”
2. Mitroff, I. I., Barabba, V. P., and Kilmann, R. H. “The Application of Behavioral and Philosophical Technologies to Strategic Planning: A Case Study with a Large Federal Agency.” Management Science, Vol. 24, No. 1 (1977), 44-58.
3. Kilmann, R. H., and Ghymn, K. “The MAPS Design Technology: Designing Strategic Intelligence Systems for Multinational Corporations.” Columbia Journal of World Business, Vol. 11, No. 2 (1976), 35-47.
4. Kilmann, R. H. “A Networked Company That Embraces the World.” Information Strategy: The Executive’s Journal, Spring 1990, 23-26.
5. Kilmann, R. H., and McKelvey, B. “The MAPS Route to Better Organization Design.” California Management Review, Vol. 17, No. 3 (1975), 23-31.
6. McKelvey, B., and Kilmann, R. H. “Organization Design: A Participative Multivariate Approach.” Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 1 (1975), 24-36.
7. Mitroff, I. I., and Kilmann, R. H. “Stories Managers Tell: A New Tool for Organizational Problem Solving.” Management Review, Vol. 64, No. 7 (1975), 18-28.
8. Kilmann, R. H. “Designing Collateral Organizations.” Human Systems Management, Vol. 3, No. 2 (1982), 66-76.
9. Kilmann, R. H. “The Costs of Organization Structure: Dispelling the Myths of Independent Divisions and Organization-Wide Decision Making.” Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 8., No. 4 (1983), 341–357.
10. Kilmann, R. H. “Understanding Matrix Organization: Keeping the Dialectic Alive and Well,” in Warrick, D. D., (Ed.), Contemporary Organization Development: Current Thinking and Applications(Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman, 1984), 152-165.
1. Kilmann, R. H. Creating a Quantum Organization: The Whys & Hows of Implementing Eight Tracks for Long-Term Success (Newport Coast CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2021), Chapter 9: “Designing Reward Systems for Organizations — The Reward System Track.”
2. Allen, R. S., and Kilmann, R. H. “Aligning Reward Practices in Support of Total Quality Management.” Business Horizons (May-June, 2001), 77–84.
3. Allen, R. S., and Kilmann, R. H. “The Role of the Reward System for a Total Quality Management Based Strategy.” Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 14, No. 2 (2001), 110-131.
4. “Kilmann, R. H. “Why Most Reward Systems Fail and What to Do About It.” Training Industry (February 2, 2022).
1. Kilmann, R. H. Creating a Quantum Organization: The Whys & Hows of Implementing Eight Tracks for Long-Term Success (Newport Coast CA: Kilmann Diagnostics, 2021), Chapter 10: “Improving Process Management for Organizations — The Gradual, Radical, and Learning Process Tracks.”
2. Kilmann, R. H. “Why Total Quality Management Fails and What Can Be Done About It.” Managing, No. 7 (Fall 1993), 6-9.
3. Kilmann, R. H. “Managing Holistic Improvement: A Completely Integrated Program for Creating and Sustaining Organizational Success.” Clinical Laboratory Management Review, Vol. 7, No. 5 (1993), 395-397, 400-403, 406.
4. Kilmann, R. H. “Management Learning Organizations: Enhancing Business Education for the 21st Century.” Management Learning, Vol. 27, No. 2 (1996), 203–237.
5. Allen, R. S., and Kilmann, R. H. “How Well Does Your Reward System Support TQM?” Quality Progress, Vol. 34, No. 4 (2001), 52-57.