2 TKIs 

Take the TKI for your group two times, each with modified instructions, to see whether you resolve conflict differently INSIDE versus OUTSIDE your group
TKI Inside Perspective for Conflict Resolution
TKI Outside Perspective for Conflict Resolution
Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (2)
Link to TKI Landing Page

Take the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI assessment tool) from the person who actually co-created it: Dr. Ralph H. Kilmann. Ralph’s e-learning platform offers all his university research, online courses, and TKI certification.

If you want to read the most up-to-date and comprehensive information about the TKI tool in one single document, consider purchasing Ralph’s first TKI Book (published in 2023): Mastering the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict-Mode Instrument: Celebrating More Than 50 Years of Resolving All Kinds of Conflicts.


As described in our recorded online course, GROUP Training in Conflict Management, there are several benefits for taking TWO separate Thomas-Kilmann Instruments, each with modified instructions: (1) how you manage differences INSIDE your group and (2) how you manage differences OUTSIDE your group (across all other settings in your life).

By taking these two modified TKI assessments, you will learn how the leader, the other group members, the culture, the reward system, and the key attributes of that specific situation might be unduly influencing how conflict is being managed in your group—which has not led to satisfactory outcomes for you, the group as a whole, and other key stakeholders.

But once you and your group members receive a pair of personalized TKI Reports from those two modified TKI assessments, you’ll be able to discuss which conflict modes are most needed for success INSIDE your group, while you also learn which conflict modes you’re already using effectively OUTSIDE your group.

As a result of such discussions, it will then be much easier for members to significantly improve their group’s conflict-handling behavior, which includes redesigning and aligning their surrounding systems so they’ll be able to use all five modes INSIDE their group—as the situation requires.

Taking your two TKI assessments in different languages: If you wish to take a pair of online TKIs from Kilmann Diagnostics in Latin American Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (Traditional or Simplified), Japanese, or Swedish, you have two options: (1) taking your two TKIs in the chosen language, yet your TKI Reports are provided in U.S. English or (2) taking your two TKIs in the chosen language and then downloading your TKI Reports in that same translation. You can also purchase a pair of TKI paper booklets or self-scorable ebooks from The Myers-Briggs Company in more than ten languages. To learn more about your options, go to: Translations for the TKI Assessment.

Watch our FREE, very informative, Videos About the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument and Your Conflict Resolution Skills. You can also read many Full-Length TKI Articles and TKI Blogs. Lastly, you’ll learn a lot from Dr. Kilmann’s question-and-answer exchanges: FAQs About the TKI Assessment.

NOTE: To make sure you are interpreting  TKI results accurately and that you are therefore using this assessment tool to its full potential, take our course collection and then earn your TKI Certification: The TKI Package of Three Courses on Conflict Management

ALSO NOTE: If you are interested in significantly improving the conflict-handling behavior of a group of 2 to 15 or so members, consider purchasing the TKI Team Report, which has been especially created just for that purpose. After each team member has completed their TKI assessment (either with the standard or with modified TKI instructions), each member will receive a personalized report that recommends exactly how the team as a whole can resolve its most challenging conflicts and thus improve its performance and satisfaction.


take 2 TKIs on your laptop or desktop computer, or on your tablet or smartphone


average time to complete 2 TKI assessments on the publisher’s Elevate platform


download each personalized TKI Report as soon as you’ve completed the assessment


to ensure you are using the TKI accurately and to its full potential, take this course collection:

Kilmann Diagnostics Benefit 1

THE MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE EXPERT AT YOUR DISPOSAL: Dr. Ralph Kilmann is the co-author of the TKI: If you have any questions about how to administer the assessment or interpret your results, you won't be able to find another person who has more TKI knowledge and experience.

Kilmann Diagnostics Benefit 2

LEARN ALL ABOUT YOUR CONFLICT BEHAVIOR: The TKI is a self-report assessment that allows you to discover whether you might be overusing (a high score) or underusing (a low score) one or more of these five conflict-handling modes: competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, and accommodating.

Kilmann Diagnostics Benefit 3

COMPARE YOUR RESULTS TO THOUSANDS OF OTHERS: To determine which of your TKI mode scores are high or low, your results are compared to a. U.S. research sample of 8,000 men and women who were drawn from a pool of 59,000 TKI respondents in order to mirror the demographic distribution of the U.S. population. A subsequent cross-cultural research sample of 6,000 men and women from 16 different countries revealed only minor variations from the U.S. norms. These rather surprising results demonstrate that the TKI is measuring an aspect of conflict-handling behavior that is fairly consistent across different countries and cultures.

Kilmann Diagnostics Benefit 4

THE TKI IS AMAZINGLY ACCURATE: One reason that TKI results have such cross-cultural consistency is because the assessment was purposely designed to minimize the “social desirability response bias” (which is the natural tendency for people in all societies to respond to test items in order to look good to themselves or to others). Consequently, TKI results provide an accurate picture—across the globe—of how people actually behave in conflict situations.

Kilmann Diagnostics Benefit 5

MODIFYING THE TKI INSTRUCTIONS OFTEN LEADS TO EVEN GREATER ACCURACY IN RESULTS: For the first TKI assessment, respondents are instructed to consider only how conflict is managed in their particular group—in contrast to the standard instructions that asks them to consider all situations in one bundle. With modified instructions, therefore, the results for the group will not be diluted by how conflict is being managed in other situations.

Kilmann Diagnostics Benefit 6

LEARNING HOW ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEMS AFFECT CONFLICT-HANDLING BEHAVIOR IS AN EYE-OPENER FOR ANY GROUP: For the second TKI assessment, respondents are instructed to consider how conflict is being managed outside their group. With these modified instructions, it’s now possible to examine the differences between conflict management inside versus outside the group, which is primarily shaped by the behavior and systems that can dominate group members: the leaders, the culture, and the reward system, to name a few.

TKI Assessment Group Profile
Organizations and the TKI Assessment

Examining (and then improving) how conflicts are being managed in a group is more accurate when each member takes the TKI twice, each with modified instructions. In this way, conflict-handling behavior OUTSIDE the group will not dilute or distort the primary focus on how to resolve conflict INSIDE the group. Taking the TKI twice, therefore, is most relevant to these OCCUPATIONAL IDENTITIES:

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Purchase a Pair of Online TKIs

Only for Yourself—
Not for Anyone Else

When you click on the button at the bottom of this section, you’ll be adding a pair of TKIs, only for yourself, to your Shopping Cart, which you can then proceed to purchase on this website.

CAUTION 1: If you wish to purchase a pair of TKIs either for 1 other person or for a group of people—which might also include you along with the other members in your group—go to the next section on this page.

CAUTION 2: If you wish to purchase a pair of PAPER booklets of the TKI assessment for yourself, each of which requires you to score, graph, and interpret your own results, you must go to The Myers-Briggs Company.


The price for two ONLINE TKIs for yourself is $100.

Click on the button below to add a pair of TKIs to your shopping cart. Once you complete your purchase, you have 90 days to take both TKI assessments: one for INSIDE your group and the other for OUTSIDE your group.

Please Note: As soon as you have completed each of your two TKIs on the publisher’s website, Elevate, you can immediately download each personalized TKI Report. At any time in the future, you can log back into your private Elevate account and download your two TKI Reports under the tab on your dashboard: DOWNLOADABLE ITEMS. In fact, at no extra charge, you can download your two TKI Reports as many times as you like.

Refund Policy: As stipulated in All Our Policies, within 30 days from the purchase date, if you happen to change your mind for any reason, just contact us and you’ll receive a full refund so long as you have not yet taken either TKI. But we do not offer any refund, in whole or in part, once this initial 30-day period has elapsed or if you have already taken one or two TKIs.



Two TKIs Per Person


SKU: TKI2 Category:
Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (2)
Purchase a Pair of Online TKIs

For 1 Other Person—
Or for a Group

When you click on the button at the bottom of this section, you’ll be adding a pair of TKIs to your Shopping Cart. In this section, you can make a purchase either for 1 other person or for a group of people (which, if you choose, can also include you).

However, a pair of TKIs will not be placed in your account—unless (and not until) we receive your KD_Spreadsheet that includes your relevant information along with the same requested information about the other members in your group. See the section below: Completing Your KD_Spreadsheet.

CAUTION 1: If you wish to purchase 1 pair of online TKIs only for yourself (not for anyone else), go to the other section on this page that’s designed for that specific purpose.

CAUTION 2: If you wish to purchase a pair of TKI PAPER booklets for 1 other person or for a group of people, which requires them to score, graph, and interpret their own results, you must go to the publisher’s website: The Myers-Briggs Company.



For 1 to 24 persons, each pair of TKIs is $100 per person.
For 25 to 49 persons, each pair of TKIs is $95 per person.
For 50 to 249 persons, each pair of TKIs is $90 per person.
For 250 to 499 persons, each pair of TKIs is $85 per person.
For 500 or more persons, each pair of TKIs is $80 per person.

In the Quantity text box at the bottom of this page, enter the number of TKI pairs that you wish to purchase (or leave the default as 1, if you are making this purchase for just 1 other person). If you enter 25 or more pairs of TKIs, the total charge will be based on the relevant quantity discount.

Then click on the button, ADD TO CART, so you can proceed to purchase your specified quantity of two TKI assessments per person on this website.

Completing Your KD_Spreadsheet

After you’ve completed your quantity purchase, be sure to download the KD_Spreadsheet for Creating Group Accounts and carefully follow the instructions.

For example, if you are buying a pair of TKIs for one other person, fill out the spreadsheet for just that one person. If you’ll be taking a pair of TKIs along with other persons in your group, please make sure to also include YOUR information on the KD_Spreadsheet.

When you send your carefully completed KD_Spreadsheet to, also let us know your preferences for these four services:

  1. The date, time, and time zone when you want us to import your spreadsheet, which initiates the TKI process for your client(s) or group members.
  2. If you do NOT want to receive each separate TKI Report as soon as each of your clients completes their assessment. Otherwise, each TKI Report (as a pdf file) will automatically be emailed to you directly from the publisher’s website.
  3. If you want your clients to be able to Download their own TKI Reports or… (b) if you want us to delete the download button for your group account, so only you (or a designated facilitator) can present your participants’ TKI Reports directly to them.
  4. If and when (the date, time, and time zone) you want us to send a Reminder Email (for this one time only) to your clients who have not yet completed their TKI assessments.

When we import your spreadsheet, every listed person will immediately receive an “account email” that provides your group’s unique PRIVATE LINK along with the step-by-step instructions for registering a private account on the publisher’s website and then taking their two TKI assessments within the 90-day access period—which begins on the date when we import your spreadsheet. At that same time, we will also send you that same unique PRIVATE LINK with instructions, so you can email that information to your clients or group members—just in case they never received their account email from the publisher’s website (usually due to a very sensitive firewall).

Our Refund Policy and Expiration Policy

Refund Policy: As stipulated in All Our Policies, within 30 days from the purchase date, if you change your mind about using the TKI for any reason (if, for example, your training program gets cancelled), just contact us and you’ll receive a full refund for any unused pairs of TKIs. But we do not offer any refund, in whole or in part, once this initial 30-day period has elapsed or for any group members who’ve already taken one or two TKIs.

Expiration Policy: For most group TKI purchases, the number of persons listed on the spreadsheet will equal the quantity of TKI pairs that you just purchased. However, if you purchased a larger quantity of dual TKIs than the people listed on your spreadsheet (for the purpose of taking advantage of our quantity discounts), we’ll credit your group account with those extra TKIs, which we refer to as, “open slots.” But you’ll need to submit another (entirely new) KD_Spreadsheet when you know the participants who’ll be making use of those open slots in your account, which then initiates their 90-day access period for completing a pair of TKI assessments.

Those “open slots” in your group account can be assigned to participants any time within ONE YEAR of the purchase date, after which, those “open slots” officially expire. But either before—or after—those slots expire, you can take advantage of our Renewal Policy to reactivate those open slots for one more year by paying 50% of the current price of that online product on our Special Payments page.

Managing Your Group Account

After you’ve sent us your carefully completed spreadsheet (which includes letting us know your preferences for the four services in the previous section), you can then manage your group account all on your own—which is the standard practice for the great majority of our TKI Buyers.

Nevertheless, we offer two additional services for your TKI project, which we have conveniently included in our Extra Services Bundle. However, since these two extra services are time-consuming for us to manage on your behalf, we charge $25 for each Extra Services Bundle (see purchasing details in the next section).

NOTE: If you purchase 10 or more pairs of TKI assessments at one time, one Extra Services Bundle is automatically included in your group account.

After you’ve automatically been assigned (or purchased) an “Extra Services Bundle,” when you send us your carefully completed KD_Spreadsheet, also let us know your preferences for these two extra services:

  1. If and when (the date and the time, between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Pacific Time) you want us to email you 1 Status Report that lists all those participants in your group account who have—or have not—completed their TKI assessments.
  2. If and when (the date and the time, between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Pacific Time) you want us to email you 1 pair of Zip Files that includes the TKI Reports of all the participants in your group who have already completed their two TKIs.

If you’d like to receive more of these two extra services for your group account, you’ll then have to purchase additional Extra Services Bundles on our website.

Purchasing an Extra Services Bundle

If you wish to purchase one or more of the Extra Services Bundle, please visit Special Payments, scroll down to the bottom of that page, enter the total amount for one or more Extra Service Bundles ($25 multiplied by the number of Bundles), and then complete your purchase. When the text box appears, Order notes, please enter: 1 Service Bundle for TKIs, 2 Service Bundles for TKIs, etc.

Customizing the TKI Instructions

Below are the modified TKI instructions for the INSIDE and OUTSIDE perspective. The few key words that have been set in bold pinpoint what you can customize for your particular situation. But if you don’t tell us otherwise, your participants will be given these (default) instructions for their pair of TKI assessments:

INSIDE your group, how do you usually respond when you find your wishes differing from those of another group member? For each of the 30 pairs of statements below, select the letter (“A” or “B”) that best characterizes your behavior in your group.

OUTSIDE your group (across all other settings in your life), how do you usually respond when you find your wishes differing from those of another person? For each of the 30 pairs of statements below, select the letter (“A” or “B”) that best characterizes your typical behavior in these other settings.

Please let us know IF and HOW you would like to customize the focus of these instructions to: INSIDE/OUTSIDE your organization, your department; your school, the workplace… or whatever suits you. If you decide that your participants should respond to their TKIs with a different focus than the default instructions, we will place your customized instructions in the account emails that we send to your participants.

But other than the above customizing options that are set in bold, we do not alter any other aspect of the TKI instructions, since the remainder of those instructions is essential for maintaining the validity of the TKI assessment process.


Two TKIs Per Person – Group Purchase


SKU: TKI2 - Group Category:
GTCM for the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI)

GROUP Training:
Discover the Full
Potential of Taking
Two Thomas-Kilmann
Instruments (2)

If you will be purchasing a pair of TKIs for each member in a group, consider taking our three-hour GROUP Training course, which will help you develop and then interpret “Group TKI Profiles.” This course will enable consultants, trainers, and coaches to improve how conflict is managed in the workplace far beyond what is possible from simply averaging “Individual TKI Profiles.” In addition, once you create an account on our website, click on “My Free Gifts” on your Dashboard and you’ll have access to Dr. Kilmann’s 25-minute webinar: “Using the TKI to Its Full Potential.”