Kilmann Diagnostics is dedicated to resolving conflict throughout the world, so we naturally incorporate the Kilmann-Saxton Culture-Gap® Survey in our Culture Management Course. Why?
When groups and organizations discover the significant culture-gaps that exist between their previously unwritten (mostly dysfunctional) cultural norms and the desired cultural norms that would promote high performance and satisfaction—there will be much conflict among members while discussing the best ways to close their most troublesome culture-gaps. Indeed, it’s only by effectively resolving their “culture conflicts” that members can transform a dysfunctional group or organization into one whose culture actively supports long-term success in our fast-paced, interconnected global village.
Click here to see: Sample Results and Interpretive Materials.
take this survey anywhere... on your laptop or desktop computer, or on your tablet or smartphone
the average time for completing this survey and then graphing your Culture-Gap® Profile
make effective use of our free work sheets for Identifying and then closing your culture-gaps
Free Culture-Gap Work Sheetsto learn how to effectively use the results of the survey, take this recorded online course:
Culture ManagementKilmann Diagnostics is dedicated to resolving conflict throughout the world, which is why we offer this online assessment tool on our website: so you can uncover the debilitating culture-gaps (aka “culture conflicts”) that exist between (1) your previously unwritten (mostly dysfunctional) actual cultural norms and (2) the now openly expressed (entirely functional) desired cultural norms. Then, you and your team members can apply the five steps of problem management to close your most troublesome culture-gaps between actual and desired norms, which will enhance your team’s performance and satisfaction, short term and long term. Be prepared to experience many eureka (aha) moments!
THE FIRST OF ITS KIND TO QUANTIFY CULTURE: The Culture-Gap Survey, published in 1983, was the first of its kind to provide a quantitative assessment of organizational culture—just one year after the first management books (Peters and Waterman's In Search of Excellence and Deal and Kennedy's Corporate Cultures) brought popular attention to this neglected topic for organizational change, improvement, and transformation. After more than 30 years of ongoing use, this survey has clearly withstood the test of time.
THE MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE EXPERT AT YOUR DISPOSAL: Dr. Ralph Kilmann is the co-author of the Culture-Gap Survey: If you have any questions about how to administer this assessment or interpret your results, you won't be able to find another person who has more relevant knowledge and experience.
DISCOVER THE MOST VITAL CULTURAL CHALLENGES: The Culture-Gap Survey is a self-report assessment that allows you to discover the differences between actual and desired cultural norms in four broad areas (task support, task innovation, social relationships, and personal freedom), which cover the wide range of cultural challenges that today's organizations must effectively address and resolve.
LEARN WHAT SPECIFIC GAPS ARE DERAILING YOUR GROUP: After taking this survey, you'll learn whether one or more of the four types of Culture-Gaps (task support, task innovation, social relationships, and personal freedom) are interfering with the performance and satisfaction of your work group.
DOWNLOAD THE EXTENSIVE INTERPRETIVE MATERIALS: The online version of the Culture-Gap Survey takes about 15 minutes to complete. Right afterwards, you can download a file that allows you to graph and interpret your four Culture-Gap scores (which might take an additional 5 minutes).
GRAPH YOUR CULTURE-GAP RESULTS TO SEE THE BIG-PICTURE: The interpretive materials enable you to graph your results into a Culture-Gap® Profile, so you can easily see the significance of each of the four Culture-Gaps. For that same purpose, the survey also provides Culture-Gap® Profiles for your work group, department, and the entire organization.
ALSO DOWNLOAD WORK SHEETS FOR MANAGING CULTURE-GAPS: As a bonus, the online version of the Kilmann-Saxton Culture-Gap® Survey entitles you to receive a free document: Work Sheets for Identifying and Closing Culture-Gaps. This 30-page pdf file, whose paper version lists for $12.95 on and other booksellers, provides instructions and workspace for surfacing the unusual actual and desired norms that couldn't have been included in any standardized, all-purpose survey. Many work groups have found that analyzing (a) the general Culture-Gaps that emerge from our standardized survey and (B) the unique Culture-Gaps that surface during a probing group discussion together result in the most comprehensive process for improving work group and organizational cultures.
Work Sheets for Identifying and Closing Culture-GapsMembers of groups and organizations who are ready to discover the significant culture-gaps that exist between their previously unwritten (mostly dysfunctional) cultural norms and the desired (healthy) cultural norms that would promote high performance and satisfaction—are the ideal candidates to benefit from this survey. Next, members can apply the five steps of problem management to close their most troublesome culture-gaps. Taking this survey is thus highly relevant to all these OCCUPATIONAL IDENTITIES:
When you click on the button at the bottom of this section, you’ll be adding 1 ONLINE Kilmann-Saxton Culture-Gap® Survey, only for yourself, to your Shopping Cart, which you can then proceed to purchase on this website.
CAUTION 1: If you wish to purchase this survey either for 1 other person or for a group of people—which might also include you along with the other members in your group—go to the next section on this page that’s designed for that specific purpose.
CAUTION 2: If you wish to purchase the PAPER version of the Kilmann-Saxton Culture-Gap® Survey for yourself, visit: Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
The price for 1 ONLINE Culture-Gap® Survey is $25. Once you complete your purchase, you have 90 days to take the survey and download a file for graphing and interpreting your four culture-gap scores.
Refund Policy: As stipulated in All Our Policies, within 30 days from the purchase date, if you happen to change your mind for any reason, just contact us and you’ll receive a full refund so long as you have not yet completed the Culture-Gap Survey. But we do not offer any refund, in whole or in part, once this initial 30-day period has elapsed or if you have already taken the survey.
When you click on the button at the bottom of this section, you’ll be adding the ONLINE Kilmann-Saxton Culture-Gap® Survey (CGS) to your Shopping Cart. In this section, you can make a purchase either for 1 other person or for a group of people (which, if you choose, can also include you).
However, the CGS will not be placed in your private account—unless (and not until) we receive your KD_Spreadsheet that includes your relevant information along with the same requested information about the other members in your group. See the section below: Completing Your KD_Spreadsheet.
CAUTION 1: If you wish to purchase 1 online CGS only for yourself (not for anyone else), go to the other section on this page that’s designed for that specific purpose.
CAUTION 2: If you wish to purchase the PAPER version of the Kilmann-Saxton Culture-Gap Survey for 1 other person or for a group, visit: Amazon or Barnes & Noble.
For 1 to 49 persons, each survey is $25.00 per person.
For 50 to 99 persons, each survey is $22.50 per person.
For 100 to 499 persons, each survey is $20.00 per person.
For 500 to 999 persons, each survey is $17.50 per person.
For 1000 or more, each survey is $15.00 per person.
In the Quantity text box below, enter the number of online CGSs that you wish to purchase for a group of participants (or leave the default as 1, if you are making this purchase for just 1 other person). If you enter 50 or more CGSs, the total charge will be based on the relevant quantity discount.
Then click on the button, ADD TO CART, so you can proceed to purchase your specified quantity of this online survey.
After you’ve made your quantity purchase, be sure to download the KD_Spreadsheet for Creating Group Accounts and carefully follow the instructions.
For example, if you are buying the CGS for one other person, fill out the spreadsheet for just that one person. If you’ll be taking the CGS along with other persons in your group, please make sure to also include YOUR information on the completed KD_Spreadsheet.
When you send your carefully completed KD_Spreadsheet to, also let us know the date when you want us to import your spreadsheet into our website and thus initiate the CGS process for your group members. Immediately after we import your spreadsheet, the one or more persons who are listed have 90 days to take their Culture-Gap® Survey and download the interpretive material for graphing and interpreting their scores.
If you’ll be conducting a coaching session, workshop, or other type of educational program for several persons (or someone else) and you want to make use of their CGS results before that event, ask them to send you a copy of their four culture-gap scores and/or a scan of their completed Culture-Gap® Profile.
Refund Policy: As stipulated in All Our Policies, within 30 days from the purchase date, if you change your mind about using the Culture-Gap Survey for any reason (if, for example, your training program gets cancelled), just contact us and you’ll receive a full refund for any unused surveys. But we do not offer any refund, in whole or in part, once this initial 30-day period has elapsed or for any group members who’ve already taken the survey.
Expiration Policy: For most group CGS purchases, the number of persons listed on the spreadsheet will equal the quantity of surveys that you just purchased. However, if you purchased a larger quantity of surveys than the people listed on your spreadsheet (for the purpose of taking advantage of our quantity discounts), we’ll credit your group account with those extra CGSs, which we refer to as, “open slots.” But you’ll need to submit another (entirely new) KD_Spreadsheet when you know the participants who’ll be making use of those open slots in your account, which then initiates their 90-day access period for completing the Culture-Gap Survey.
Those “open slots” in your group account can be assigned to participants any time within ONE YEAR of the purchase date, after which, those “open slots” officially expire. But either before—or after—those slots expire, you can take advantage of our Renewal Policy to reactivate those open slots for one more year by paying 50% of the current price of that online product on our Special Payments page.
After you have sent us your carefully completed spreadsheet, you can then manage your group account all on your own, which is the standard practice for our CGS Buyers. Another popular choice: You can assign the remaining tasks of your CGS project to an experienced assistant or skilled project manager (especially for large quantity orders).
Essentially, it just takes a well-organized, detail-oriented person to efficiently manage a group account, since the most important tasks primarily include: reminding your group members to take their assigned CGS by a certain date, keeping track of who has—and who hasn’t—completed their survey, and reminding your group members to email their four CGS scores or their Culture-Gap® Profile to you (or a designated facilitator).
If you purchase a quantity of 10 or more surveys, upon your request, we’ll email you 1 screenshot of your group account, so you can see who has—and who has not—taken the survey. However, since this extra service is time-consuming for us to manage on your behalf, we do charge $25 for each Extra Services Bundle, if you want to receive additional screenshots of your group account (see purchasing details directly below).
If you wish to purchase one or more of an Extra Services Bundle (for us to help you manage your group account), please visit Special Payments, scroll down to the bottom of that page, next enter the total amount for one or more of an Extra Service Bundle ($25 multiplied by the number of Bundles), and then complete your purchase. When the text box appears, Order notes, please enter: 1 Service Bundle for CGS, 2 Service Bundles for CGS, etc.
Please keep this in mind: If you (or another person) can effectively manage your group account, you won’t need us to provide you with one or more screenshots to help you keep track of your own participants. As a result, you won’t have to purchase an Extra Services Bundle (beyond the 1 bundle that’s automatically included with a quantity purchase of 10 or more surveys).
During our 6-hour course on Culture Management, you will learn how to graph Culture-Gap Profiles, so you can discover which troublesome gaps need to be closed, using the five steps of problem management. This course also presents how all group members can develop a sanctioning system to make sure that what they discuss in a safe workshop setting results in desired behavior back in the workplace.