Slides for
the Tracks:
Volume I

1. Culture Track
2. Skills Track
Slides for Implementing the Tracks: Volume I

About the Slides

Slides Volume I is a pdf file that you can purchase for $90, so long as you have already been certified in The Complete Program. This is our way of ensuring that our extensive materials for quantum transformation will be used as intended. A total of 403 presentation slides visually portray the core concepts and methods for the first two tracks of Kilmann’s eight-track program for achieving quantum transformation. These presentation slides are organized into separate chapters for each of the one-day workshops in the program and are paginated to correspond to the identical page in the Workbook for Implementing the Tracks: Volume I. Each slide can be projected on a large screen via readily available presentation hardware and software.


Workbook Volume I is 882 pages in total. It provides three workshop sessions in the culture track and three workshop sessions in the skills track. These six one-day workshop sessions for all participants in the program, usually conducted during a six-month period (one workshop per month), provide the essential foundation for establishing healthy cultural norms and learning the vital skills in people management, problem management (including assumptional analysis), and time management. These one-day workshops in Volume I also include numerous progress reports and group discussions so all members can assess what has improved, stayed the same, or become worse since the improvement program began—so they can proceed more consciously with self-transformation. All subsequent activities in Workbooks Volumes II and III build upon the cultural norms and skill development addressed throughout Workbook Volume I. 


Volume I includes a total of 403 presentation/overhead slides (8.5 x 11 inch format each) and are numbered to correspond to the exact page in the Workbook where these slides are presented and discussed. NOTE: On that corresponding page in the Workbook, each overhead slide is reproduced in a smaller format, which leaves room for Dr. Kilmann’s printed comments and extra space for note taking. All slides are in a pdf file (Acrobat), which can be used as a formal slide presentation—via a laptop computer, screen, and projector.

Slides for Volume I is a pdf file that you can purchase for $90, so long as you have already been certified in The Complete Program.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Implementing the Tracks

Chapter 2: Diagnosing the Organization

Chapter 3: Culture Track Session One: Identifying Culture-Gaps

Chapter 4: Skills Track Session One: Learning People Management

Chapter 5: Culture Track Session Two: Closing Culture-Gaps

Chapter 6: Skills Track Session Two: Learning Problem Management

Chapter 7: Culture Track Session Three: Sustaining Cultural Change

Chapter 8: Skills Track Session Three: Learning Time Management


If you are ready to guide your clients through the first two tracks of quantum transformation (the culture track and the skills track), these professionally designed slides will provide you with the perfectly worded text along with beautifully designed diagrams for effectively delivering a series of one-day workshops to your clients. Volume I is highly relevant to these OCCUPATIONAL IDENTITIES:

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