Expanding Consciousness and Resolving Conflict



Ralph H. Kilmann, co-author of the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI)


In March 2020, I participated in a 1-hour “podinar” (combining the features of a podcast with a webinar) on “Expanding Consciousness,” where I discussed this truism: How people address their INNER conflicts (using one conflict mode or another) determines how they approach all their OUTER conflicts (with other people, groups, and organizations). This one-hour podinar will provide you with a good preview (or review) of what’s covered in much greater detail and depth in our six-hour, recorded, online course: Expanding Consciousness in People and Organizations.

Expanding Consciousness in Organizations

A Synopsis of Our Recorded Online Course: Expanding Consciousness in People and Organizations

Our 6-hour Consciousness Course (including a 112-page Course Manual) provides the essential groundwork for the further evolution of human consciousness. In the process of exploring how members can expand their mind/body/spirit consciousness and then bring that greater wisdom and creativity into their organization, this course necessarily includes an overview of the eight tracks of quantum transformation—which are subsequently examined in detail in our remaining online courses. In addition, this course also provides an overview of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Model, since it’s necessary for members to first resolve their four foundational—inner—conflicts, before their organization can fully benefit from their expanded consciousness. But it’s not necessary for members to take the TKI assessment until later in the course, unless they would like to know their specific TKI results before they learn about the TKI Conflict Model in general.

Course Outline:

  1. Welcome and Overview
  2. Seeing the Big Picture
  3. The Explosion and Evolution of Mind/Body/Spirit Consciousness
  4. Actively Participating in Mind/Body/Spirit Modalities
  5. Stage Models of Consciousness
  6. Boundaries, Chakras, and Fields
  7. A Physical Body or an Energy Body
  8. Your Ego or Your Soul
  9. Your Self or Your Systems
  10. Resolving Primal Relationships
  11. Expanding Consciousness in People and Organizations
  12. Congratulations