Kilmann Diagnostics FAQs


Before you contact us, please review these frequently asked questions and our carefully developed answers


Can I purchase the PAPER version of the TKI on your website?
Can I use a Purchase Order for the TKI (or an online course) so I can access that online product and then make my payment to you at a later time? Do you have any installment plans?
What payment methods can I use to purchase the TKI (or on online course)?
What if my company (or university) requires an invoice before a purchase can be made?
What payment options do most of your customers use?
I want to purchase the TKI (or an online course) for another person for the purpose of conducting a coaching session (or providing some online training for someone else). What is the best way to do that?
Can I purchase the TKI (or an online course) for several participants or a work group?
If I purchase the TKI (or an online course) for several people, are there group discounts?
Other than the quantity discounts that are shown on your website, can you offer an even greater discount for an especially large quantity order?
I already purchased an online course, but I now see that I could have purchased a collection of courses at a considerable discount. Is there any way I can upgrade my previous course(s) to The Complete Program or The TKI Package?
I plan to purchase the TKI (or an online course) as part of a grant from the U.S. government. Do you have a Unique Identity ID (or a DUNS Number), which is required for such purchases?

2. Accessing an Online Product After Having Purchased It

I just purchased the TKI (or an online course). How do I access it?
Someone purchased the TKI (or an online course) for me. When can I take the TKI (or watch the online course)?
What if I don't receive an email with my pre-assigned username and password? What if my client (for whom I purchased an item) doesn't receive his username information?


The Course Manual opens in my browser after I insert the password, but why do all the pages come out blank when I print the manual?
I have been watching an online course, but am repeatedly distracted by having to wait for the videos to download on my computer. What can I do about these interruptions?
Which Internet browsers do you recommend for taking the TKI (or an online course)?


I just completed the TKI. When will I receive my results?
I just purchased the TKI for several participants. What's the best way for me to get a copy of each person's results?
I have a number of questions about the TKI. How can I get more information?


I want to further develop my skills for interpreting other people's TKI reports. Which online course will help me do that?
I already purchased an online course, but I now see that I could have purchased a collection of courses at a considerable discount. Is there any way I can upgrade my previous course(s) to The Complete Program or The TKI Package?
Can I take any online course at any time or do you recommend a particular sequence?
I purchased an online course for my entire work group. How can I be sure that my employees actually take the course and learn all the material?
What is the best way to learn your integrated approach to conflict management and change management, so I can improve my skills for organizational development?


Am I required to take the online Final Exam?
Do you provide sample questions from the Final Exams?
How can I receive a certificate for completing an online course or certification for the TKI, conflict management, and change management?


What is your Copyright Policy for your online products?
What is your Refund Policy for the TKI?
What is your Refund Policy for your online courses, assessments, and downloadable products?
What is your Privacy Policy for creating a username account and making purchases?
I just purchased the TKI (or an online course). When will it expire?
What if I purchased one of your online products in the past, but it expired before I had a chance to complete it?
Can I apply the amount I previously paid for a single course toward an Upgrade to a course collection?


Is conflict bad?
Is my approach to conflict deeply embedded in my personality or is it something I can easily change?
Why was the TKI designed with those A/B items?
Why do items repeat on the instrument?
Why does the TKI consist of only thirty paired items? Don’t you need more items to accurately measure a person’s conflict-handling behavior?
What is the reliability and validity of the TKI in comparison to other instruments that claim to measure the same five conflict-handling modes?
How can it be that people of different gender, race, age, and work experience all compare their scores to the same conflict-handling norms, as shown on the TKI Profile?
How can it be that people from different countries and cultures all compare their scores to the same conflict-handling norms, as shown on the TKI Profile?
How can the TKI Profile show me as high on both collaborating and avoiding, when these modes are total opposites in terms of assertiveness and cooperativeness?
Is it harder to tone down your high conflict modes or boast up your low ones?
Since the instructions to the TKI don’t specify a given situation, do my conflict-handling scores apply equally well to both my personal life and my work life?
The TKI interpretive materials say that each mode has its place, but I still want to know: What's the best approach for managing conflict?
Critical Thinking Skills for Organizations
Decision Trees and Their Underlying Assumptions
Stakeholders for an Initial Conclusion
Stakeholders for Strategic Change
Listing Assumptions for Each Stakeholder
Least Important and Most Important Assumptions
Certain and Uncertain Assumptions
Plotting Assumptions on the Assumption Matrix
Revising Assumptions on the Assumption Matrix
Deducing a New Conclusion Based on Revised Assumptions
Assumptional Analysis for Critical Thinking Skills
The Critical Thinking Skills Certificate of Completion
Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI)
Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (2)
The Thomas-Kilmann Instrument Package of Courses


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