All Online Courses (including Course Manuals) are Copyright © 2009-2019 by Kilmann Diagnostics. All Workbook Downloads and all Online Assessments (other than the TKI) are Copyright © 1991–2019 by Organizational Design Consultants. All rights reserved. No part of the Online Assessments, Workbook Downloads, or Online Courses (including any visual image or sound clip from video presentations) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without prior written permission of Kilmann Diagnostics.
Whether I purchased an online product for myself, or if someone else purchased an online product for me, I agree that I will not allow another person to use either my private account on this website or my registered Elevate account for taking the TKI assessment. I also agree that I will not use another person’s private account for any reason whatsoever.
Based on a one-time authorization from Kilmann Diagnostics, I agree to print one copy—and only one copy—of any Course Manual or Workbook Download for my personal use. I agree not to print additional copies of any or all pages of these copyrighted materials and not to electronically distribute any or all pages of these copyrighted materials—unless I receive prior written permission from Kilmann Diagnostics.
Regarding the Final Exam for an online course, I agree that Kilmann Diagnostics can inform my sponsor (the person who made the purchase) when I pass the exam. But my sponsor will not be informed of my score or if I happen not to pass the exam on any occasion.
Moreover, I agree that my TKI Profile and Interpretive Report can be released to whomever purchased my assessment or whomever my sponsor designates as the facilitator for a training workshop, coaching session, or other type of educational program.
I agree that my purchase of an Online Assessment, an Online Course, The Complete Program, or The TKI Package is not transferable to another person or persons. If someone else purchased any of these online products for me, that privilege is also not transferable to another person or persons. In case of group purchases, any substitution of a current (active) member for a new member must be authorized in advance.
I also agree that I will not utilize the knowledge from any online product to intentionally harm others. I further agree to release Kilmann Diagnostics (including its officers, employees, and affiliated persons and companies) from all liability, including any actions or causes of action of every kind, nature, and description arising out of, or incidental to, Online Assessments, Online Courses, Course Materials, and Workbook Downloads.