Human Resources
And Learning

Find the right online courses,
assessment tools, and books


To help you choose which particular courses, assessments, and books will be most relevant to your specialized needs and/or the needs of your clients, Dr. Ralph Kilmann has prepared his recommendations especially to suit your primary or preferred occupational identity—which he summarizes in the following way:

These executives are responsible for making the best use of their human capital by building a healthy infrastructure of culture, skills, and teams, which is supported by aligned strategies, structures, and reward systems. Most important, these executives must ensure that all members speed up the rate at which they develop, store, retrieve, and use knowledge—so as to sustain a first-class learning and knowledge organization.

Recommended Online Courses

Quantum Transformation for Organizations


A grand overview of the eight tracks, so members can transform an old Newtonian organization into a new quantum organization.

ATCM for the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument

ADVANCED Training in
Conflict Management

Learn how to use the TKI assessment and other tools for resolving an organization’s most complex problems and conflicts in a fast-paced world.

Critical Thinking Skills for Organizations

Thinking Skills

Learn how to surface and then revise your false assumptions, so your decisions and actions will be based on today’s reality, not yesterday’s fantasy.

Aligning Strategy-Structure


Learn how members can effectively self-design and self-manage the two most important formal systems in their organization.

Designing Reward Systems for Organizations


Learn how members can effectively self-design and self-manage the reward policies and practices that inspire high performance and satisfaction.

Improving Process Management for Organizations


Learn how to describe, control, and continuously improve the flow of work in an organization, including how to accelerate the rate of learning.

The Complete Program for Conflict Resolution and Change Management

The Complete Program

If you would like to develop an in-depth understanding of how to dramatically improve all the systems and processes that guide organizational members, we have an integrated sequence of online courses that not only examines each of these systems (culture, skills, teams, strategy-structure, reward systems, etc.), but also includes our 3 TKI-based courses on conflict resolution. But it will be most cost effective for you to purchase and then take The Complete Program, which includes all our 11 online courses and 9 assessment tools at a significant discount. You will receive your “Certification in Conflict Management and Change Management” when you pass all 11 Final Exams.

The Thomas-Kilmann Instrument Package of Courses

The TKI Package

If you would like to take our 3 TKI-based courses in conflict resolution, you can purchase The TKI Package at a discount. Then, for 6 months, you’ll have access to all 12 hours of course videos, 3 course manuals (222 pages), and 2 TKI assessments. This package is a great choice for trainers, consultants, coaches, mediators, therapists, and peacebuilders who wish to gain mastery of the TKI assessment for applications with individuals, couples, groups, organizations, institutions, and nations. To earn our esteemed “Certification for the Thomas-Kilmann Instrument,” you must pass three Final Exams: (1) BASIC Training, (2) GROUP Training, and (3) ADVANCED Training in Conflict Management.

Recommended Assessment Tools

Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (TKI)

One TKI Assessment
Per Person

The TKI allows you to discover whether you might be overusing or underusing one or more of five conflict-handling modes (collaborating, competing, compromising, accommodating, and avoiding), so you can improve how you manage conflict in the future.

Thomas-Kilmann Instrument (2)

Two TKI Assessments
Per Person

By taking one TKI specifically for INSIDE your group and another TKI for OUTSIDE your group, you’ll discover how your leader, the culture, and the reward system might be having undue influence on how conflict is being managed in your group or team.

Icon TKI Team Report

The TKI Team Report for
All Kinds of Groups

After completing the TKI assessment, every team member will receive a personalized report that uncovers the particular OBSTACLES to effective conflict management along with several recommended REMEDIES for improving their team’s performance.

The Kilmann Organizational Conflict Instrument (KOCI)

Kilmann Organizational
Conflict Instrument

The KOCI reveals how often you are being negatively affected by the various systems conflicts in your organization (e.g., culture, strategy-structure, and rewards) and which modes you use too much or too little for resolving those system conflicts.

Personality L

Personality Style

This instrument assesses a person’s preferences for collecting information and making decisions, as based on the personality dimensions that were originally developed by C. G. Jung: ST, NT, SF, and NF types or styles for approaching problems and conflicts.

Culture-Gap Survey


This assessment allows you to discover the differences between actual and desired cultural norms in four areas: task support, task innovation, social relationships, and personal freedom. Once identified, a group can take steps to close these culture-gaps.

Time-Gap L


This survey pinpoints five key areas in your work life in which you might not be making the best use of your time. The results then suggest how you can reallocate the time your spend on tasks and activities in order to achieve your group or organization’s goals.

Team-Gap L


This survey looks at the differences between actual and desired behavior in four key areas: cultural norms, people management, problem management, and time management. If any of these four team-gaps are significant, members can then close these gaps.

Belief Survey L

Belief Survey

This survey assesses if you believe that your performance is largely determined by outside forces (such as your boss or coworkers) or by inside forces (your own decisions and actions). The results lead to new beliefs that encourage greater personal empowerment.

Influence L

Influence Survey

This survey assesses whether you have the right balance of influence over the key aspects of your job that determine your performance and satisfaction. If you have too little (or too much) influence, steps can then be taken to create the right balance.

Organizational Courage Assessment

Courage Assessment

This assessment relies on two dimensions (observing acts of courage and fearing acts of courage) to define four organizations. Steps can then be taken to transform a fearful or bureaucratic organization into a more courageous or quantum organization.

Recommended Books and Workbooks

The TKI Book

Kilmann’s TKI Book

This book celebrates more then 50 years of Dr. Kilmann refining and using the TKI for addressing all kinds of conflict situations: intrapersonal conflicts, interpersonal conflicts, group and team conflicts, organizational conflicts, and civil wars and international conflicts.

Creating a Quantum Organization

Kilmann’s Legacy Book

In his most comprehensive book to date, Dr. Kilmann integrates ALL that he’s created during the past fifty years for those four timeless topics: conflict management, change management, consciousness, and transformation — which includes 167 illustrations.

The Courageous Mosaic for Expanding Consciousness

The Courageous Mosaic

This book examines how to expand the self-aware consciousness of individuals by encouraging them to actively participate in mind/body/spirit modalities. That expanded consciousness must then be infused into all our organizations and nations.

Workbook for Implementing the Tracks: Volume I

Workbook for Implementing the Tracks: Volume I

This volume (totaling 892 pages) provides the essential materials (assessment tools, slides, group discussions, and business cases) for conducting the culture track and skills track for achieving quantum transformation. Each track is organized into several eight-hour workshops.

Workbook for Implementing the Tracks: Volume II

Workbook for Implementing the Tracks: Volume II

This volume (totaling 796 pages) provides the essential materials (assessment tools, slides, group discussions, and special work sheets) for conducting the team track, strategy-structure track, and reward systems track. Each track is organized into several eight-hour workshops.

Workbook for Implementing the Tracks: Volume III

Workbook for Implementing the Tracks: Volume III

This volume (totaling 450 pages) provides the essential materials (presentation slides, group discussions, and work sheets) for conducting the gradual process, radical process, and learning process tracks. These “last three tracks” are organized into several eight-hour workshops.

Logistics Manual for Implementing the Tracks

Logistics Manual for Implementing the

This manual provides all the detailed logistics for effectively implementing the eight tracks of quantum transformation for tens, hundreds, or thousands of participants. An assigned Logistics Coordinator is given the detailed guidelines for arranging all tracks in the most efficient manner.

Consultant Schedules for Implementing the Tracks

Consultant Schedules for Implementing the Tracks

These detailed time schedules for conducting each eight-hour workshop for all eight tracks of quantum transformation are only intended for consultants, trainers, and facilitators. Each workshop is organized hour by hour to reveal the usual time spent on each topic or activity.

Audiobook: Escaping the Quick Fix Trap

Escaping the Quick Fix Trap: An Audiobook

In this four-part audio program, you can hear Dr. Ralph Kilmann describe how to avoid the quick fix trap of relying on one management fad after another—without achieving any real improvements. He then explains the alternative: implementing a completely integrated program.

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